2008年6月6日 星期五

New Pin & Clothing Catalog

The new Ice Cream Cone pin is at the Forest! It's really cool as it's simillar to one of the emoticons! Hold down E and W on your keyboard and compare it with the new pin!
The Emoticon:

The Pin:

The clothing catalog is out too!

There's a new design for the colour selection page! The colour of the penguin with paint all over of his (or maybe her) body changes when your cursor is on different colours!

There're secrets in the catalog as usual!

For the Red Viking Helmet, click on the selected area in the picture below. Open and close it 4 times for the Blue Viking Helmet.

Click on the meter the on the Diver’s Suit for the Diver’s Helmet.

Click on the Queen’s Crown for the Crystal Staff.

Click the Knight’s belt buckle for the Woodsman’s Hat.

Click the pocket on the Overalls for the Cheesy Necktie.

